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Accurx Desktop

For those using the Accurx toolbar connected to a medical record system such as EMIS, SystmOne or Vision.
Accurx Desktop: What's new?
Accurx Installation: "Looks like we’re having trouble talking to our server. This could be caused by anti-virus. Please contact Accurx support"
A new user hasn't appeared in my list of people to approve
How to change the Default Browser on your computer
I can't access document attachments or patient response options
Accurx Desktop is not on my PC
The Accurx desktop icon is missing
Accurx Desktop toolbar is red and says "You need to activate yourself in EMAS" or "Couldn't connect to EMIS Web"
The wrong patient is showing on Accurx Desktop (EMIS)
How to use the Accurx utility tool
Accurx Installation: "The feature you are trying to use is on a network resource that is unavailable"
Accurx Installation: "The security ID could not be assigned"
Accurx Installation: "The specified path does not exist"
I see 'The procedure entry point ... could not be located in the dynamic link library'
Accurx Installation: "Accurx.Host has stopped working"
I haven't received my password reset email
I haven't received my verification email
My verify link expired
Web page says "Connection reset by peer"
Accurx Lite limits for GP practices and community services explained
How do I change my date or time settings?
How to reduce the size of an attachment
What to do if you don't have the toolbar or it doesn't look right
SNOMED Code Updates
Accurx Desktop Setup FAQs
How to configure Accurx spell check
Saving to record FAQs
How to resolve a WebView2 error
Accurx Desktop Inbox: How the inbox works
Accurx Desktop Inbox: Inbox video guides and demos
Accurx Desktop Inbox: How to manage responses in the inbox
Accurx Desktop Inbox: How to monitor all organisation responses in the Inbox
Accurx Desktop Inbox: How to manage Questionnaire responses in the inbox
Accurx Desktop Inbox: How to manage failed SMS messages in the inbox
Accurx Desktop Inbox: How do I get notified about patient replies to SMS messages, questionnaire responses & Failed SMS messages?
Accurx Desktop Inbox: How can I keep my Inbox tidy? (Mark as "done")
Accurx Desktop Inbox: How to mark a conversation as urgent
Accurx Desktop Inbox: How can I assign a message to a colleague?
Accurx Desktop Inbox: How to manage who is in what team
Accurx Desktop Inbox: How to view previous patient messages and delivery status
Accurx Desktop Inbox: How to view any Accurx messages that relate to a patient
Accurx Desktop Inbox: How to get the most out of the inbox (Video)
Accurx Desktop Inbox: How to manage failed SMS messages (Demo)
Accurx Desktop Inbox: How inbox notifications work (Video)
Accurx Desktop Inbox: How to locate all responses (Demo)
Accurx Desktop inbox: How to navigate the new look inbox
Accurx Questionnaires: Previously called Floreys
Questionnaires: How to guide
Questionnaires: Which are free and which need to be paid for?
Questionnaires: List of all Florey questionnaires available
Questionnaires: How to schedule a questionnaire to send to a Patient in the future
Questionnaires: What does 'This patient is already enrolled in this questionnaire' mean?
Questionnaires: Can I remotely monitor a patient's COVID-19 symptoms?
Questionnaires: COVID-19 screening questionnaire
Questionnaires: Partnered Questionnaire FAQs
Batch Messaging: An Introduction
Batch Messaging: How to use guide
Batch Messaging: How do I get access for my organisation?
Batch Messaging: Using Batch Messaging in Northern Ireland
Batch Messaging: How to use Batch Messaging with the NHS app
Batch Messaging: What is Likely-to-fail?
Batch Messaging: How to create templates for batch
Batch Messaging: How to create a CSV file in EMIS
Batch Messaging: Removing patients who have dissented SMS communication from your CSV in EMIS
Batch Messaging: How to create a CSV file in SystmOne
Batch Messaging: Removing patients who have dissented SMS communication from your CSV in SystmOne
Batch Messaging: How to change the Date of Birth format on a CSV file
Batch Messaging: How to stagger and schedule batch messages
Batch Messaging: How do Questionnaires save to patient records?
Batch Messaging: FAQs
Batch Messaging: How to create a CSV file in Vision
Batch Messaging: Sending via Email
Batch Messaging: A complete guide to exporting a CSV from your electronic patient record (EPR)
Self-Book: An overview of how to send booking links to patients
Self-Book: How to set up new Slot types in EMIS
Self-Book: How to set up new Slot types in Systmone
Self-Book: What are SMS fragments and why are they important to me?
Self-Book: Having problems?
Self-Book: How to invite your patients for their Autumn Booster
Self-Book: FAQs
Self-Book : How to set different locations in EMIS
Self-Book: Specifying a Clinician
Reporting Dashboards: Questionnaires and Self-Book
AccuBook Spring Boosters 2024
Self-Book - Appointment Availability
accuBook - Getting Started8 articles
accuBook - Managing your Patient List9 articles
accuBook - Creating and Managing Clinics5 articles
accuBook - Multisite 2 articles
accuBook - Inviting and Booking Patients 7 articles
accuBook - Cancelling3 articles
accuBook - Booked List1 article
accuBook - What Will Patients See?2 articles