Guides to using Accurx Desktop to send out text messages to patients (including to set up video consultations, sending documents, sending surveys, requesting photos and more!!)
Accurx Desktop: How to get started with the toolbar
Accurx Desktop: How to email patients
Accurx Lite vs Accurx Plus: What are the differences?
Accurx Desktop: What is Likely-to-fail?
Scheduled Messages FAQs
Accurx Desktop: What’s the difference between “Consent ✅”, “Okay to contact ✅”, and “Consent unknown⚠️”?
Accurx Desktop: How long do links last until they expire?
Accurx Desktop: How to send a text message to a patient
Accurx Desktop: What is Message Patient?
Accurx Desktop: How to send a message that a patient can respond to (with text or photo 📸)
Accurx Desktop: How can patients consent to my organisation saving photos?
Accurx Desktop: Text message character limit
Accurx Desktop: How to send text messages 'out of hours'
Accurx Desktop: My patient does not speak English. Can I send them a text in another language?
How we check patient mobile numbers for scheduled messages and appointment reminders
Accurx Desktop: Sending individual messages via the NHS App (Pilot)
Accurx Desktop: How to view and use Accurx's pre-built templates
Accurx Desktop: How to create your own custom message templates
Accurx Desktop: How to add SNOMED codes to message templates
Accurx Desktop: How to add Read Codes to message templates
Accurx Desktop: How to share your message templates with your organisation
Accurx Desktop: Templates FAQ
Video: How to do video consultations using your mobile with Accurx Desktop
Video: Troubleshooting
Video: Can I do video consultations from my desktop computer?
Video: Which browsers are supported?
Video: How to invite more people to a video consultation
Video: What do I do when I see 'You're trying to join on an unsupported browser' in a video consultation?