Guides and help articles on how our Batch Messaging product works
Batch Messaging: An Introduction
Batch Messaging: How to use guide
Batch Messaging: How do I get access for my organisation?
Batch Messaging: Using Batch Messaging in Northern Ireland
Batch Messaging: How to use Batch Messaging with the NHS app
Batch Messaging: What is Likely-to-fail?
Batch Messaging: How to create templates for batch
Batch Messaging: How to create a CSV file in EMIS
Batch Messaging: Removing patients who have dissented SMS communication from your CSV in EMIS
Batch Messaging: How to create a CSV file in SystmOne
Batch Messaging: Removing patients who have dissented SMS communication from your CSV in SystmOne
Batch Messaging: How to change the Date of Birth format on a CSV file
Batch Messaging: How to stagger and schedule batch messages
Batch Messaging: How do Questionnaires save to patient records?
Batch Messaging: FAQs
Batch Messaging: How to create a CSV file in Vision
Batch Messaging: A complete guide to exporting a CSV from your electronic patient record (EPR)
Batch Messaging: Sending via Email