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Scheduled Messages FAQs

This article has some frequently asked questions about scheduled messages

Sameera avatar
Written by Sameera
Updated over a week ago

What happens if a patient leaves the practice or is marked as deceased?

  • When a message is scheduled, we periodically request to get up to date demographics for this patient in the 10 days running up to when the message is to be sent.

  • We do these checks using both PDS (Personal Demographic Services) and the EMR (Electronic Medical Record).

  • These checks should happen once between 3-10 days before the message is sent and once again 1-3 days before, with the following exceptions:

    • If the message was scheduled within the last 24 hours.

    • If the demographics have already been updated in the last 24 hours.

  • When we request to get demographics from an EMR, we need to send the request to a user's Accurx toolbar that is currently connected to the EMR and up-to-date

  • When either the PDS or the EMR returns that a patient is deceased or no longer registered to the practice, we should cancel all scheduled messages to this patient (eg scheduled batch/appointment reminders etc)

If this message was still sent to a patient, it's possible we weren't able to successfully reach an active toolbar to get up-to-date demographics so we sent a message based on previous demographics.

What happens if a user leaves the practice and is archived in Accurx?

  1. The message will still be sent as normal

  2. If there is a ‘reply’ option and the patient replies, the response will go to the most recently active Accurx admin at the practice to be dealt with.

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