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Patient-Initiated Contact: How can a patient submit a request to your service?
Patient-Initiated Contact: How can a patient submit a request to your service?

This article explains the process of how a patient can submit a request to your service through Accurx.

Hannah avatar
Written by Hannah
Updated over a month ago

Accurx provides you with a unique Patient-Initiated Contact link, which can be added to your website or sent directly to patients. When the patient clicks on the link, they’ll be directed to a web page (accessible via any web browser) where they can submit a request to your service.

Patients will be able to select from a number of request types, which are specific to your service type. The screenshots below show an example of this.

  1. Patients will need to confirm this is not an emergency.

  2. The patient will then fill in details about their request.

  3. The patient can submit a request themselves or someone else can submit on their behalf.

  4. The patient will be asked to provide several demographic details to help match them to the PDS. To ensure the request is automatically matched and arrives in your inbox, the patient will need to provide their mobile number and verify their identity by entering a security code they receive. The request will still be received if the demographic details don't match the PDS, it just won't be matched automatically.

Click here for more information on how requests are matched to a patient.

5. The patient will be able to review their request before submitting.

6. They will then receive a confirmation page of their request, along with a reference
ID as shown in the screenshot below.


How can I share a link with patients?

Accurx will generate a unique link for you that can be shared on your website or sent directly to patients via SMS. You can also share the link through QR codes, posters, or patient letters.

How does patient identification work?

When patients submit requests, they give various pieces of information about themselves. These are:

  • Name

  • Date of birth

  • Gender

  • Postcode

These details can be used to search the Personal Demographic Service (PDS) - the NHS database of patients.

They also have to enter a contact number. If they provide a mobile number, they are asked whether they have access to the mobile. If they do have access to the mobile, they are sent a code by text which they are then asked to input back into the online form.

This is called 2-factor authentication (2FA) and is similar to security controls put in place for online banking. 2FA shows that whoever fills in the online form has access to the same mobile phone as that listed on their PDS record.

If you still have any questions or concerns, feel free to chat with us using the green message bubble in the bottom right-hand corner of this page.👉

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