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Accurx Desktop: Templates FAQ

Frequently asked questions about creating your own message templates for yourself and your organisation

Sophie avatar
Written by Sophie
Updated this week

Can I attach a file to a template?

Yes, you can attach a file to a template. You can attach 1 file and the max size it can be is 3MB. Files accepted: pdf, docx, doc, rtf, jpeg, jpg, png, tiff, tiff2, tif.

Can I share a template I made with my organisation?

Yes, you can share your personal templates with your organisation. You can do this by using the Copy to workspace button next to the template.

Can I share templates with other organisations?

At the moment, it's not possible to share templates with other organisations.

Can I add a booking link to a template?

At the moment, it's not possible to add a booking link to a template but this is something we are exploring!

How can I hide a template from being used?

You can easily hide a template from being used by using the toggles for Batch and Individual next to the template. If the toggles are switched to off, then the template will no longer be visible to users.


Can I add a hyperlink to a word in a template?

It's not possible to add a hyperlink to a word in a template. This is due to restrictions in using SMS messaging. You would need to paste the link you want to include in the template.

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