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Accurx Desktop: How to email patients

How to send an email to patients from Accurx Desktop

Moreen avatar
Written by Moreen
Updated over 10 months ago

Why you might want to email a patient using Accurx

  • Some patients prefer receiving communication via email rather than SMS, particularly if they don't have a smartphone or prefer viewing documents on their computer.

  • There is no word limit so you can write longer messages to patients if you need to.

  • It saves the communication automatically to the patient record.

How to email a patient

  • Open the "Message" tab from the Accurx Desktop toolbar

  • Click the "Mobile" drop-down next to the patient's contact details, and choose "Email"

  • Write your message

  • Click send and save

Snomed codes:

Declined consent for communication by email: 835231000000104

Consent given for email: 705025004

What will the patients see?

Sending them an email instead of an SMS:

Sending them an email but clicking "allow patient to respond":

Sending a patient an email with a document attached:

Once the patient clicks the link to access the document or send a message reply, they will be prompted to confirm their identity. Patients can confirm their identity using their DOB or their NHS log in.

Once they have confirmed their identity they will be able to view any attachments or send a reply.


Can a patient reply?

You will only receive patient replies if you turn on 'Allow patient to respond with text or photos'. Patients can then reply via a response link similar to SMS.

If a patient tries to respond directly via email, they will receive an automated reply stating: "Please DO NOT reply to this email address as it will NOT be delivered to your practice."

Can I use Templates/Pathways/Floreys/Video invitations with this?

Yes, you can use all the current message patient functionality but instead of sending them an SMS, you can send an email instead.

What email service is used?

Emails are sent via NHSmail (but bear in mind the recipients will be patients who will likely have emails such as Gmail, Hotmail)

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