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Manage Organisation: How to approve new users at an organisation

Why am I unapproved and how your admin can approve you

Sameera avatar
Written by Sameera
Updated over a month ago

This article talks about the Accurx Desktop toolbar.
Why am I unapproved and who is Admin?

When a new user signs up to Accurx Desktop at an organisation, their Accurx account is initially 'unapproved'. (You will still be able to send texts and do video consultations as an unapproved member 😊)

There are two ways to become approved:

1) Send 3 SMS messages to real patients. We automatically approve accounts that have sent 3 'validated' messages to real patients - we match these against the central NHS Patient Demographic Service (PDS) to verify your account.

2) Ask your Admin to approve you. Normally, the first user to sign up at the organisation is the Admin, though we have changed this to be the first user to send 3 validated messages.

Users who are already approved members of the organisation will be able to find out who the Admin is by going to their Initials icon > Manage Organisation > Manage users. The admins will have an "Admin" status under the "Role" column.

Admins can approve unapproved members at the organisation by also visiting the 'Manage Users' page. The steps are outlined below πŸ‘‡


How to approve new users in your organisation for Admins

  1. When a new user in the organisation signs up to Accurx, the Admin will receive a red notification on their toolbar. If the admin is not a Desktop user, they can visit to see their organisation's users.

  2. When the Admin clicks on their initials, they will see a full menu of items. Find the one with the red notification next to "Manage Users" and click on it.

  3. On the 'Manage Users' page, under Unapproved Users, click the button with the three dots to the right of the user and click Approve.

What is the difference between being an 'Admin' and a 'Member'?

Admins can approve new users, make other users' Admins, and archive old users who may have left. This is all done via the 'Manage Users' page.

If you are not an Admin, you will be a Member. You will still be able to use Accurx Desktop as an Admin, but you will not be able to approve users, archive users, or make other users Admin. If you wish to be an Admin, you can ask another Admin in your organisation to make you one.

Someone doesn't appear on my list to approve

If you're from EMIS/SystmOne/Vision and you've got a new user who hasn't come through to you to approve, you'll need to check first that they've logged in and connected to EMIS/SystmOne/Vision. Click here for more info on why they may not have appeared.

If you need further assistance you can click on the top right-hand corner question mark to get access to our Help centre with all our articles or contact our user support team. You can also submit your feedback here 😊


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