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Accurx Desktop Inbox: How do I get notified about patient replies to SMS messages, questionnaire responses & Failed SMS messages?
Accurx Desktop Inbox: How do I get notified about patient replies to SMS messages, questionnaire responses & Failed SMS messages?

Default notification settings on your Accurx Desktop toolbar appear and how to change how you are notified about responses

Katie Clephan avatar
Written by Katie Clephan
Updated over 10 months ago

In Accurx Desktop, our toolbar that runs alongside EMIS, SystmOne and Vision, notifications will appear for 3 different types of responses from patients. The default settings for these notifications are explained below along with how you can change your notification settings.

Please note that all users in the organisation will always be able to view all incoming responses into the organisation (regardless of who sent the original message to the patient or what setting the user has applied to their Inbox). Inbox settings will only affect how you are notified of new responses of a particular type.

1. One-off patient replies to regular SMS messages:

The type of texts we are talking about here is the ones where you've selected the "Allow response" option.

For replies to these messages, the user who sent out the original message to the patient will be notified when the patient has responded unless someone else was selected to receive the response.

How can I view all patient responses for my organisation?

You can view all patient responses for your practice by clicking "All" and selecting the "Patient responses" filtered view.

2. Replies to Questionnaires

Anyone who sends a questionnaire will receive a notification of their response to that survey.

The first time they send a questionnaire, they will also automatically be added to the specific folder for that questionnaire. This means they would also start to be notified anytime a questionnaire response of that particular type comes back to the practice (regardless of who sent out the original invite text to the patient).

For example, the first time a user sends out an Asthma questionnaire and receives a reply, they are automatically added to the "Asthma" folder under "Questionnaire". They will then start receiving notifications anytime patients reply to Asthma questionnaires sent out by anyone at that practice.

How can I stop being notified about Questionnaire replies?

You can opt out of receiving notifications for a particular questionnaire (including any surveys you have sent to patients yourself). To do this, go to the Inbox by clicking on the Inbox icon on your toolbar and then click move the notification toggle to "Off" in that particular questionnaire survey folder. 😊

Note: If you have turned off notifications for a specific questionnaire, you will no longer be notified about any responses of that type even if it's a response to that specific type of questionnaire that you originally sent to the patient.


How can I turn on notifications for Questionnaire replies?

If you would like to start receiving a notification on your toolbar every time a patient returns a specific type of questionnaire, you can manually switch this on by going into your Inbox, finding the folder and toggling the Notifications to "On."

3. Failed SMS messages

By default, notifications for failed SMS messages will always be received by the person who sent out the original text message.

How can I see all messages that fail to deliver to patients?

Under the "All" folder there is a section called "Failed" where you can see all SMS that Failed to deliver.

What happens if I click on a notification, will other users at my practice still be notified?

Simply viewing a patient response/questionnaire response or a Failed SMS message will not remove the red notification on the toolbar for other users in your organisation if they were already set up to receive notifications for that particular type of response.

E.g. If you click on a notification and view a response to an asthma questionnaire, any other members of the "Asthma" folder in your organisation will still see the little red notification on their toolbar. To remove the red notification for other users, the message needs to be marked as "Done".

What about patient requests submitted through Accurx online consultation, Patient Triage?

If your practice has got access to Patient Triage, you can find more information on how to manage these patient requests here.

If you have any further questions on how notifications work, please chat with us in the bottom right-hand corner. πŸ‘‰

You can also check out our video guides! πŸ“Ί

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