Accurx Desktop
If there's ever a power outage or the internet is down and you're unable to connect to Accurx Desktop. There are a couple of things you can try to regain some access:
In the event you urgently need to contact a patient, you could use a personal device with a network connection to log into Accurx Web. Using Accurx Web is a secure alternative as all communications will occur within Accurx. (If you've not used Accurx Web before, we have a list of article guides that might help.)
If you have a Wi-Fi-enabled device, using a mobile 4G/5G hotspot will allow you to regain access to Accurx Desktop. However, please do refer to your manager or IT department to check if this is allowed. There may be security protocols that would advise against connecting the PC to a mobile network.
Patient Triage
In the event you need to turn off Patient Triage and you can't connect to Accurx Desktop. You can try logging into the Manage Organisation page directly using a device with a mobile network, like a smartphone. From there you can go into your Patient Triage settings and switch it off from your mobile device.