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EMIS: How do I enable myself or others in EMAS Manager?

How to activate your staff in EMIS using EMAS Manager

Moreen avatar
Written by Moreen
Updated over 10 months ago

Unfortunately enabling your staff in EMIS is a little fiddly...

To enable staff in EMAS manager, you need to tick the boxes for all the staff members in both Login Access and Edit Users.

First, go to EMAS manager:

  1. Go to 'System Tools', then EMAS manager

If you don't see this option, this is related to the permissions for your EMIS role, and you'll need to get your organisation manager to follow the steps in this article for you.

2. Go to 'Partner API' and click on 'accuRx Chain':

3. Click β€˜Activate Application’ if it's not already activated. Once activated, the option should turn grey.

Then make sure that the Partner API called 'accuRx Chain' is highlighted in blue before checking the Edit Users and Login Access boxes πŸ‘

4. Click 'Login Access'

5. Click 'User' to order the list and then tick the two boxes 'Auto Login' and 'Allow Login' next to each user you want to enable
​If you see a user appear twice in this list, we recommend ticking the boxes for both accounts

​Then check Edit Users:

6. Click 'Edit Users'

7. Click 'User' to order and tick the box next to the users you wish to enable
​If you see a user appear twice in this list, we recommend ticking the boxes for both accounts

8. When asked for a password, create one - you won't need it again. You will need to meet EMAS Manager's password requirements to be able to click on the 'OK' button.

If you need more assistance please see the two videos below for more information:

If you have already checked this and still have red initials, you may need to check your RBAC settings. Find out how to do that here! 🌟

If you need any help with this please chat with us in the bottom right-hand corner πŸ˜€

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