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Custom Questionnaires: How to create your own custom questionnaire
Custom Questionnaires: How to create your own custom questionnaire

Here you can find out how to create and send your own custom questionnaires to collect the patient information you need.

Moreen avatar
Written by Moreen
Updated over a month ago

What is it?

Custom Questionnaires allow you or members of your organisation to create your own questionnaires that can be sent via Batch Messaging and individual text messages on Accurx Desktop.

Where to find it?

  1. To locate Custom Questionnaires, click on your initials on your toolbar, select 'Manage Organisation', then 'Questionnaires' on the left-hand side panel.

  2. Following this, you will be on the page where you can create your own questionnaire πŸŽ‰

Custom Questionnaire steps

  1. Add a Questionnaire name

  2. Select 'Add question' to get started

  3. Select a question type. Always click 'Save and next' to move on to the next question.

  4. Once you have added the questions, you can create an invite message

  5. Next, create a confirmation message for the final page

  6. Finally, assign the responses to a group

You can assign the responses to either Questionnaire folders or Teams within the inbox. However, you can't currently assign them back to 'My Inbox'.
If you want a new team/folder created please get in contact with Support either via our Help Centre or email

7. You now have the option to save the questionnaire for testing or publish it

We recommend saving it for testing and sending it to a test patient so that you can go through the flow and check for any errors before publishing it live to be sent to real patients.

Demo Guide

To watch a step-by-step video on how to make your own questionnaire, please click here to watch a short demo on our πŸ‘‰ YouTube Channel


How do free-text responses work in Custom Questionnaires?

Patients will be able to provide an answer up to 600 characters long.

(Please note: Free text answers cannot be automatically saved to record in Batch Messaging. Patient responses can be individually saved to record after review.)

Where do I send it to a test patient?

Once it is saved as a draft you need to open the compose SMS page and you can search for your new questionnaire in the drop-down list.

Can I edit a Custom Questionnaire once it's published?

Previously published Custom Questionnaires can be edited. You can also delete published questionnaires.

Can I edit existing Accurx Questionnaires?

Not currently, if you have any feedback on our current questionnaires, please do let us know and we can feed this back to the clinical team.

Is there a character limit on the name/ question/ description/ answers?

  • Title: 250 characters

  • Question: 250 characters

  • Description: 1000 characters

  • Answers: 250 characters

Will patients receive reminders for Custom Questionnaires?

We've decided to remove all reminders for the patient to complete Custom Questionnaires for now - we'll potentially add optional reminders in the future depending on user feedback.

Are Custom Questionnaires free?

Custom Questionnaires are part of the Florey Plus Module. More information about this can be found here - If you're interested in procuring please email

Can I automatically save the responses to the record?

Yes, you can do this in Batch Messaging. You just need to tick the box that says 'Save responses to the patient's record automatically' πŸ‘‡

However, we suggest you do not automatically save to the record if the responses contain medical information as these need to be reviewed.

Questionnaires with free text answers cannot be automatically saved to record in batch messaging. Patient responses can be individually saved to record after review. The tick box option above will not show if you have selected a Custom Questionnaire with free-text questions.

What question types can I create for Custom Questionnaires?

Currently, you can only create multiple-choice (with one or many answers), measurement (height or weight) and free-text responses.

Blood Pressure or Pulse can be collected as a free-text response in Custom Questionnaires.

Can I create a Custom Questionnaire in Accurx Web?

You cannot currently create Florey Questionnaires in Accurx Web.

Can the next question outcome be set depending on the patient's answer?

When adding questions, you can not set up conditional logic to show follow-up questions based on previous responses.

Can I create a questionnaire to calculate scores?

Currently, the Custom Questionnaires feature doesn't support scoring question types.

A workaround to this for now: users can add a score in brackets beside each response and then clinicians can add up the scores based on responses once this is received as a workaround.

Are all the questions compulsory or can they be skipped?

There are certain question types within Custom Questionnaires that are compulsory to answer and certain question types that are optional:


  • Multiple-choice questions that allow patients to select only one answer

  • Height or weight question type


  • Multiple-choice questions that allow patients to select multiple answers

  • Free text question type

Can I add a Questionnaire link to our website that patients can access?

Florey Questionnaire links can't be added to websites for patients to access. This is because each Questionnaire link is unique to each patient, so there isn't a generic link for multiple patients to access and complete a Questionnaire.

Questionnaire links are only generated when the Questionnaire message is sent to a patient.

Can I allow a photo response from patients?

No, you can't request a photo or attachment reply from a custom questionnaire.

You can not request a photo response using custom Florey questionnaires. You cannot create a questionnaire allowing photo responses.

If you still have any questions or concerns, feel free to chat with us using the green message bubble in the bottom right-hand corner of this page. πŸ‘‰

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