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Accurx Desktop: How to create an account

Creating your account with Accurx Desktop for EMIS/SystmOne users

Written by James Atkins
Updated over 2 weeks ago

This article talks about Accurx Desktop. If you're using our standalone web version, Accurx Web, you can just sign up here!

To use Accurx Desktop, you need an account with us.

My organisation is completely new to Accurx Desktop

To get set up with Accurx Desktop, you'll want to go to our website, select your care setting and follow the steps.

You can choose to just set up for yourself at first, or the whole organisation.

My organisation already uses Accurx Desktop, but I'm a new user

These steps assume that Accurx Desktop is already installed on your computer. (If you can't see the desktop icon, you can install from here)

To create an account:

  1. Click on the Accurx desktop icon or Accurx toolbar to get the 'Sign in' dialog to appear

  2. Click the link 'Create an account'

3. This will open a web page where you will need to enter your details and set a password. Once you have done this click 'Create account'.

4. You will then be sent an email to verify your account. Go to your NHS email (which you used to sign up) and click the 'Verify your email' link.

5. You will then be able to log in to the Accurx Desktop toolbar. Return to your desktop and click on the toolbar to log in. Enter your email address and the password you just set up:

You should then see the Accurx toolbar with your initials:

That's it! You're ready to go: bring up a patient in EMIS/SystmOne/Vision, and click the message icon in the middle to send them a text 😁

My toolbar doesn't look like the one above - try these steps for EMIS and these steps for SystmOne.

Do I need to log out and back in each time?

This depends on whether you use your own Windows account or share it with other staff members. See here for more details.

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