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Questionnaire: Headache Questionnaire with screenshots

Showing the end-to-end flow of the Headache Questionnaire using screenshots

Moreen avatar
Written by Moreen
Updated over 4 months ago

What does this Questionnaire do?

The Accurx Headache Questionnaire allows the sending of an online questionnaire to patients to collect information regarding their headache symptoms to facilitate their ongoing management.

The questionnaire link is sent via SMS or email. The patient fills in the questionnaire through a browser so can use their phone, tablet, laptop or desktop to complete it.

The responses are returned to the user or organisation via the Accurx Web inbox. The responses can be assigned to other colleagues.

This questionnaire was designed and built in collaboration with Dr Tina Ramnani, Consultant Neurologist and Headache Specialist at University Hospitals of Leicester.

What does it look like for the clinician and patient?

Clinician view of sending a QuestionnaireπŸ‘‡

They can edit the SMS message if required

Patient perspective of viewing and completing the Headache questionnaireπŸ‘‡


1. What year did you start getting headaches?

Please enter an estimated year, for example, 2019 or 2020.

  • Enter text

2. Are you aware of a particular trigger for your headaches when they first began?

For example, this may have been a life event or personal situation.

  • Yes

    • If selected β†’ Please tell us more about the trigger for your headaches when they first began (For example, this may have been a life event or personal situation)

      • Free text

  • No

  • I’m not sure

3. Which side of your head do you feel the headaches?

Select all that apply

  • Left side

  • Right side

  • Both sides

4. Where in your head do you feel the headaches?

Select all that apply

  • Front of my head (forehead)

  • Side of my head (temples)

  • Back of my head

  • Top of my head (crown area)

  • My face

  • My neck

  • Behind the eyes

  • All over my head

  • Other

    • If selected β†’ Please describe where you feel your headache

5. How would you describe the type of pain your headaches cause?

Select all that apply

  • Dull

  • Throbbing

  • Stabbing

  • Aching

  • Pulsating

  • Sharp

  • Electric shock

  • Tightening

  • Other

    • If selected β†’ Please describe the pain your headache causes

      • Free text

6. On average, how long will your headaches last for?

Please give a range, for example, 1 to 5 minutes or 3-10 hours. If your headache is constant, please specify.

  • Free text

7. How many days per month do you have any sort of headache?

  • Free text

8. Which of the following symptoms do you experience with your headache?

Select all that apply

  • Nausea (feeling sick)

  • Vomiting

  • Uncomfortable with bright lights

  • Uncomfortable with noise

  • Uncomfortable with strong smells

  • Uncomfortable with movement

  • Weakness or numbness in my arms or legs

  • None of the above

9. Do you notice any of the following changes in your vision with, or just before, your headache?

Select all that apply

  • Seeing flashing or flickering lights

  • Noticing zigzag lines

  • Blind spots or areas of vision loss

  • Blurry vision

  • Seeing colourful spots or dots

  • Double vision

  • I’m not sure

    • If selected β†’ Please describe the changes in your vision with, or just before, your headache

      • Free text

10. Which of the following symptoms do you experience with your headache?

Select all that apply

  • Watery eye

  • Red eye

  • Swollen eye

  • Droopy eyelid

  • Blocked nose

  • Runny nose

  • None of the above

11. If you experience migraine headaches, how many days per month do you experience migraine features?

Migraine features can include:

  • Nausea and vomiting

  • Sensitivity to light, sound or smells

  • Having to go to bed due to the headache

  • Visual symptoms such as flashing lights, zig zag lines or blind spots

Enter 0 if you do not experience migraine features with your headaches.

  • Free text

12. What is the minimum and maximum severity of your headaches between 0 (no pain) and 10 (worst ever pain)?

For example, 2 to 6 or 4 to 10

  • Free text

13. Do any of the following trigger (bring on) your headache?

Select all that apply

  • Certain foods

    • If selected β†’ Please describe what foods can bring on your headaches.

      • Free text

  • Stress

  • Changes in the weather

  • Menstruation

  • Other

    • If selected β†’ Please describe what other triggers can bring on your headaches

      • Free text

  • None of the above

14. Does anybody in your immediate family suffer from headaches?

Immediate family includes your parents, children or siblings.

  • Yes

    • Please tell us more about who it was and the cause of their headaches (if known)

      • Free text

  • No

  • I’m not sure

15. Which of the following pain relief medications do you take for any reason including headache?

Select all that apply. Click continue if you take none of these medication.

  • Paracetamol

  • Ibuprofen

  • Naproxen

  • Diclofenac

  • Aspirin

  • Codeine

  • Co-codamol

  • Dihydrocodeine

  • Tramadol

  • Morphine

  • Triptains (e.g. Sumitriptan, Zizatriptan, Zolmitriptan, Frovatriptan, Naratriptan)

For the above question, for any medications selected the patient is asked a follow-up question:

On average, how many days per month do you take any amount of *selected medication*

  • Free text

16. What medications are you currently taking to help prevent your headaches?

List all preventative medicines you are currently taking (e.g. Propranolol, Amitriptyline, Nortriptyline, Topiramate, Candesartan). Please do not include pain relief medication submitted in previous questions. For each medication please include:

  • Name of medication

  • Current dose of medication

  • How long you have been taking it at the current dose

  • Any side effects when you take the medication

  • Free text

17. What previous medications have you taken to help prevent your headaches?

List all preventative medicines you have previously taken (e.g. Propranolol, Amitriptyline, Nortriptyline, Topiramate, Candesartan). Please do not include pain relief medication submitted in previous questions. For each medication please include:

  • Name of medication

  • How long you took the medication for at the maximum dosage you reached

  • The reason you stopped taking this medication (e.g. side effects or ineffective)

  • Any side effects you had when taking this medication

  • Free text

18. Do you have any allergies?

  • Yes

    • If selected β†’ Please list any allergies you have below and what reaction you get with them

      • Free text

  • No

When they have submitted their answers, they will be thanked for completing the questionnaire, sent a confirmation SMS and be given some safety netting information πŸ‘‡

Clinician view of the Headache Questionnaire response

A red dot notification in Accurx Web and an email notification indicating a patient response has arrived. πŸ‘‡

The screenshot below shows the inbox view showing a questionnaire response for a patient πŸ‘‡

Users can assign the response to a different team by clicking on the pen icon to edit the assignee. πŸ‘‡

Users can download a PDF version of the questionnaire response, which they can use to save responses to their paper or electronic medical records. πŸ‘‡

If you still have any questions or concerns, feel free to chat with us using the green message bubble in the bottom right-hand corner of this page. πŸ‘‰

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