Self-Book: Choose Clinician

Below are some of the FAQs about our new feature allowing patients to choose the clinician when they book an appointment with Self-Book.

Sameera avatar
Written by Sameera
Updated this week

This feature is still in the pilot stage, we are hoping to release this soon 🤞


This feature is aimed at enhancing continuity of care and promoting patient choice when booking their appointment. We hope this will help patients who need to see a specific clinician about ongoing care or those who would like to select a member of staff they feel most comfortable with.

Below, we’ll answer some of the frequently asked questions from our users!

Frequently asked questions 💬

Will this feature apply to all self-book messages?

The option for the patient to choose their clinician will be off by default. To enable the patient to choose their clinician, simply tick the Show clinician name to patients when sending a self book link.

Will this feature show the clinician’s gender?

We currently don’t display the clinician’s gender as it is not available in EMIS.

We understand that patients may have preferences for choosing a clinician based on their gender. In such cases, we hope that the ‘Title’ and the ‘First name’ would be helpful to address these preferences.

Please let us know your feedback on this!

Will this feature show the clinician’s role?

No, the clinician’s role will not be displayed to patients.

What if there are multiple session holders?

If the session / rota has an individual session holder one name will be displayed to patients. Where there are joint session holders, all associated holders will be listed and displayed to patients.

If a patient chooses the ‘Anyone’ option, they will be assigned a clinician from the list.

Will I be able to restrict patients to book with a single clinician?

This feature is aimed to enhance patient choice, rather than restrict the patient’s options. If a patient needs to be seen by a singular clinician, we’d recommend that you advise the patient of this in the message.

For example: “Dear Patient, Please use the following link to book an appointment. We advise you to select an appointment with Dr. Who”.

Will this feature be available in Batch Self-Book messages?

Currently, this feature is only applied to individual Self-Book messages. Based on the feedback and outcome of the pilot we will consider expanding this to batch self-book.

How do I ensure the session holders are correct?

If you want to review your appointment book to ensure that the session holders are correct:

In EMIS: Right-click on the session → select ‘Session properties’ → Select the search icon by Session Holders → Select your staff member and click ‘Ok’.

In SystmOne: Right-click on the session → Select ‘Administration’ → Select ‘Change Staff’ → Use the drop-down to assign a staff member as the session holder.

I have a Clinician who isn't showing up

If you have a clinician who is not showing up on the list of clinicians to book appointments with, please get in touch with support using the green message bubble in the bottom right-hand corner of this page 👉 with the following details:

  • Org ID and national code

  • User identifier (Emis username or SystmOne username)

  • Date and time of the appointment

  • Slot type of the appointment

  • Site name of the appointment

Feedback 📣

The aim of this pilot is to gather as much feedback as possible from practices about how you find this new addition to Self-Book. This will help us prioritise future product improvements with your thoughts in mind, so all we ask is that you send out lots of booking links and send us any feedback you have!

To share your feedback, you can either drop us an email on or, for a quicker response or for any urgent queries, please reach out to us on the live chat using the green message icon in the bottom right-hand corner of our website.

If you run into any problems during the pilot please get in touch with our Support Team here who will be on hand to assist you.

If you’re happy with the feature we will keep it activated for your practice at no additional cost.

Currently, “choose clinician” is only applied to individual self-book messages. Based on the feedback and outcome of the pilot we will consider expanding this to batch self-book.

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