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Accurx Desktop Inbox: How to manage Questionnaire responses in the inbox
Accurx Desktop Inbox: How to manage Questionnaire responses in the inbox

What Inbox teams are and how to join/leave these teams

Moreen avatar
Written by Moreen
Updated over a week ago

All responses to Questionnaires sent out by the healthcare team (such as for asthma, COPD, etc...), will come back to the Accurx Desktop Inbox and can be found in the Questionnaire section on the associated folder for that condition (e.g. Asthma, COPD, etc.).

To find a Questionnaire response, click on the Inbox icon on your Accurx Desktop toolbar and then click on the Questionnaires section.


Since Questionnaires sent out by all users at the organisation are grouped into the same place in the Inbox, we recommend that you mark any responses as "Done" by clicking the "Done" button once they have been actioned. This will make sure that everyone at the organisation knows exactly what still needs to be handled.

More on Inbox Teams...

You will be automatically added to a particular condition's Questionnaire folder, the first time you send a Questionnaire to a patient for that condition.

For example, the first time you send an Asthma questionnaire, you'll automatically be added to the Asthma folder).

Being part of a folder means that you will be notified every time a new response comes into the organisation for that particular survey type.

You can turn notifications on or off

If managing responses for a particular Questionnaire condition is not part of your role, you can turn notification off. This means that you will no longer be notified anytime a patient replies to a questionnaire of that type.

If notifications are turned on, the folder will be listed as white under the Questionnaires section. If notifications are turned off, they will be grey. You can still access a Questionnaire even if notifications are turned off.

Can I set up a custom folder or create my own team?

Users are currently unable to create new teams or rename existing ones, but we can do this for you. We can also help with archiving/removing any teams that are no longer needed.

Just get in touch with our support team and let us know which organisation this is for and what you want to name the team 😊

How do I manage notification settings across folders for my organisation?

If you are an Accurx admin you can manage who is in what team via the "Manage Organisation" page.

How can I see what teams everyone at my organisation is part of?

Everyone can see who is part of which team via the "Manage Organisation" page.

Need more help understanding how inbox works? Check out our video guides! πŸ“Ί

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