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SMS Plus Resource Centre

This article is a user guide to help organisations with access to SMS Plus make the most of the product

Brooke Roberts avatar
Written by Brooke Roberts
Updated over 9 months ago

Welcome to your Resource Centre for SMS Plus Features - Request response, document attachments and pathways! We're delighted you are here and can't wait to help you see the benefits. πŸ˜ƒ

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What is SMS Plus?

SMS Plus is the collective term for the request patient response and attaches a document features which together, enhance the organisation's productivity:

  • Patient response reduces phone-call tennis and increases engagement from 'hard-to-reach' patients, with responses being saved to record in one click e.g This can be used to check if a patient has a blood pressure cuff before requesting readings

  • Sending documents reduces printing/postage costs for organisations and reduces the number of unnecessary appointments required for admin tasks e.g for issuing sick notes/Med3

How to request a patient response:

How to send a document to a patient:

How the patient can access the document and respond to the healthcare team:

How to manage patient responses, requested by the health team:

Getting Started with SMS Plus

You can access the SMS Plus features by clicking on the message button within your Accurx toolbar.

Tips and tricks

Patient Response:

Document Attachment:

Extra Resources


  • What is the max size of an individual file that can be attached to an SMS?


  • How can I resize an attachment?

Remove any unnecessary images in the document.

If you need to keep the images within a file, this article can help Reduce the file size of a picture in Microsoft Office.

If you are using Microsoft Word, save using .docx wherever possible as this is usually smaller than .doc.

If you are exporting a document to PDF, you should have an option to optimize the file size. Choose lower-quality images for a smaller file size.

  • Can a document attachment be downloaded multiple times, or only once?

Multiple times (no restriction)

  • How long does Accurx host the document for, before it is deleted (data retention)?

Right now we're not doing any automatic deletion - given the quick launch to enable this as part of the COVID-19 response. However, by definition, all stored documents are only a few days old and we can manually delete anything should an explicit need come up.

  • Where are the documents stored once sent?

The files are being stored within Microsoft Azure blob storage which complies with the NHS information governance regulations. The storage itself is only reachable through authenticated connections from within our service - sent links are not direct to storage but rather through our web portal, which requires the patient to supply their date of birth, and is encrypted at rest (see here.)

If you still have any questions or concerns, feel free to chat with us using the green message bubble in the bottom right-hand corner of this page. πŸ‘‰

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