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Accumail: How are emails sent via Accurx?

Some common FAQs about our email feature, Accumail

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Written by Moreen
Updated over 2 months ago

Accumail emails are sent securely using NHSmail.

What email address is used?

Accumails are sent from either the Accurx global account ( or from an email address unique to your organisation which is set by Accurx in conjunction with NHSmail. These unique email addresses take the format of e.g. if your organisation has the ODS code of A12345 the recipient of your Accumails will see as the sender. If the recipient responds, the response will come back to your organisation via the Accumail inbox.

Can our Accumail email address be changed?

Accumail email addresses cannot be changed.

Can I use my personal email to send emails via Accurx?

No, all outgoing Accumails are sent from your organisation's unique Accumail email address.

Can I edit the subject field?

No, you can't edit the subject field. The information included will contain the patientโ€™s NHS number and the unique reference mentioned above. This information allows our system to match incoming messages to the correct patient.

How are Accumails matched to the correct patient?

All Accumails are sent with a unique reference. This unique reference allows our system to identify which emails are replies to previous emails so that Accumails are matched back to the correct patient.

Occasionally, Accumails are not matched to patient at all - read more about that here.

Can I contact the personalised organisation's Accurx email address directly?

Users can locate and contact any email address with an Accurx domain. However, not all organisations use the personalised organisation's Accurx email address so it may not be the correct address to contact an organisation on. This has caused emails sent about a patient to be sent to unmonitored inboxes. When an email is sent to an unmonitored inbox, the sender will receive an auto-reply advising that the email has not been successfully sent to the organisation:

Our recommendation is to contact the healthcare professional or organisations via Message GP in Web to ensure that your email is being sent to the correct location. You can learn about how to do this in this article ๐Ÿ‘‰ What is Message GP in Web.

If you still have any questions or concerns, feel free to chat with us using the green message bubble in the bottom right-hand corner of this page. ๐Ÿ‘‰

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