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All CollectionsAccurx for patientsReceiving/ Replying to messages from your healthcare professional using Accurx
Patient Support: My healthcare team has asked me to complete a questionnaire
Patient Support: My healthcare team has asked me to complete a questionnaire

How patients can access and complete a questionnaire sent by their healthcare team

Katie Clephan avatar
Written by Katie Clephan
Updated over 7 months ago

Here at Accurx, we provide software that allows your healthcare provider to communicate with you. We process your data under the instructions of your healthcare provider.

You are being asked to complete this questionnaire because your healthcare provider would like to collect some additional information from you.

Why have I been sent a questionnaire?

Your healthcare team might send you a text asking you to complete a few questions via a link. This could be about a review of your Asthma, COPD or COVID symptoms. You might be asked to complete a short survey to collect some other data about you (alcohol consumption, BMI, smoking status).
You should be able to click on your unique link in that text and complete the survey using your phone, tablet or desktop PC πŸ‘‡ You will require internet access on your chosen device to do this.

mobile phone with SMS invite to complete a Florey

You will be required to enter your date of birth. This is so we can make sure you are the intended recipient of the questionnaire.

Date of birth submission form on Florey.

To complete the questionnaire, select your answer (it will be highlighted in blue) and click 'Continue'.

examplar question from The smoking florey with highlighted answer response.

Once you have completed the questionnaire, you will be shown the answers you have selected. If you want to change your answers, click 'Back'. Once you are happy with your answers, click 'Submit' to send your responses to your organisation.

Submission screen for patient review.

Once you have submitted your questionnaire, you will see a screen telling you that your submission was successful. You will also receive a text message to confirm this πŸŽ‰

What if my text says something else?
Your text message may ask you to reply (possibly with a photo) or it might have a document attached or it might ask you to join a video consultation.

If your text isn't a survey and is for something else click here to find the right guide.

Not able to complete the questionnaire on your phone?

If you can't use your phone for any reason, you can still complete the survey on a computer, iPad or tablet. To do this, type your unique link from the text into the URL search bar of your internet browser.

Your unique link will start with https:// and should look something like this:


As shown in the images below, when typing your unique link, please ensure you're not entering this in the search engine (as shown in red crosses). Please ensure you type your link in where the green arrows indicate. πŸ‘‡

Some internet browsers may look slightly different from the two shown above but you should look to type your unique link in the search bar at the top of the screen.

Once you've typed in the correct link and pressed "Enter" on your keyboard, you should see a screen similar to the one below. (Note: the wording may be slightly different depending on what type of questionnaire you've been sent by your organisation.) πŸ‘‡

web browser display of Florey questionnaire

You will then be asked for your date of birth to verify your identity. Type in your date of birth and then click "Continue". You will then begin the questionnaire.

Date of birth screen on web browser

To complete the questionnaire, select your answer (it will be highlighted in blue) and click 'Continue'.

Exemplar view of smoking florey question submission screen.

Once you have answered all of the questions, you will see a summary of your answers. If you would like to change an answer, click "Back". When you are happy with your answers click "Submit" to send your responses to your organisation.

Submission view of florey questionnaire for smoking cessation on web browser

Organisations are now able to create their own questionnaires⚠️

Organisations are now able to create their custom questionnaires, therefore you might receive some new ones from your healthcare team. Our clinical team do not create these questionnaires, we just build the platform that allows organisations to do so. If you are struggling with a questionnaire, please contact us at

Frequently Asked Questions

I've typed in the link but now I see this message:

As your link is unique to you, this error most likely has shown because the link in the URL search bar doesn't exactly match the unique link in the text message. In this case, please double-check the link your healthcare team sent you in the text and that this matches exactly with the link in the typed URL at the top of the web page.

Hint: Sometimes "o" and "0" can look the same or even "i" and "1"

We're a software company providing NHS staff with tools to communicate with their patients and colleagues. We're currently used in over 90% of GP practices in the country. 😊
If you've received a text with a link in it, this was sent to you individually by a staff member at an organisation, the bottom of the text should tell you which organisation the message was sent by. Your healthcare team will have sent this to you as they require some information from you, and replying is really helpful as it might save an appointment, phone call or letter for both you and the organisation. 😊

What is happening with my data?

We take Data Privacy and Security very seriously here at Accurx, we will never use or share your information with anyone except as described in this Privacy Policy. You can learn more about how we keep your data safe here.

In legal terms, Accurx is the Data Processor, and your organisation is the Data Controller. What this means is that Accurx doesn't own any of your data and wouldn't pass it on to other companies or use it for other purposes like marketing.
​Our security page details the accreditations and NHS digital guidelines that we follow and links to our Data Processing Agreement and Privacy Policy.

Please contact your organisation for any medical questions. But for anything technical (ie. the link won't open), we're here to help. 😊 Please chat with us in the bottom right-hand corner. πŸ‘‰

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