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Questionnaire: Versus Arthritis Musculoskeletal Health Questionnaire (MSK-HQ)
Questionnaire: Versus Arthritis Musculoskeletal Health Questionnaire (MSK-HQ)
Cam avatar
Written by Cam
Updated over a year ago

Permission to use and reproduce the Versus Arthritis Musculoskeletal Health Questionnaire (MSK-HQ) has been granted by Oxford University Innovationโ€™s Clinical Outcomes team. You can visit their website for more information about the measure or how to obtain a copyright licence: Clinical Outcomes Measures - Oxford University Innovationโ€.

We have built a tool that helps healthcare teams use patient-reported outcomes to assess a variety of musculoskeletal conditions.

๐Ÿ’ฌ Enrolment SMS as shown below ๐Ÿ‘‡:

Once the patient has accessed the link, they will be prompted to enter their date of birth to access the questionnaire. ๐Ÿ“†


1. How severe was your usual joint or muscle pain and/or stiffness overall during the DAY in the last 2 weeks?

  • Not at all

  • Slightly

  • Moderately

  • Fairly severe

  • Very severe

2. How severe was your usual joint or muscle pain and/or stiffness overall during the NIGHT in the last two weeks?

  • Not at all

  • Slightly

  • Moderately

  • Fairly severe

  • Very severe

3. How much have your symptoms interfered with your ability to walk in the last 2 weeks?

  • Not at all

  • Slightly

  • Moderately

  • Severely

  • Unable to walk

4. How much have your symptoms interfered with your ability to wash or dress yourself in the last 2 weeks?

  • Not at all

  • Slightly

  • Moderately

  • Severely

  • Unable to wash or dress myself

5. How much has it been a problem for you to do physical activities (e.g. going for a walk or jogging) to the level you want because of your joint or muscle symptoms in the last 2 weeks?

  • Not at all

  • Slightly

  • Moderately

  • Very much

  • Unable to do physical activities

6. How much have your joint or muscle symptoms interfered with your work or daily routine in the last 2 weeks?

(Including work & jobs around the house.)

  • Not at all

  • Slightly

  • Moderately

  • Severely

  • Extremely

7. How much have your joint or muscle symptoms interfered with your social activities and hobbies in the last 2 weeks?

  • Not at all

  • Slightly

  • Moderately

  • Severely

  • Extremely

8. How often have you needed help from others (including family, friends or carers) because of your joint or muscle symptoms in the last 2 weeks?

  • Not at all

  • Rarely

  • Sometimes

  • Frequently

  • All the time

9. How often have you had trouble with either falling asleep or staying asleep because of your joint or muscle symptoms in the last 2 weeks?

  • Not at all

  • Rarely

  • Sometimes

  • Frequently

  • Every night

10. How much fatigue or low energy have you felt in the last two weeks?

  • Not at all

  • Slight

  • Moderate

  • Severe

  • Extreme

11. How much have you felt anxious or low in your mood because of your joint or muscle symptoms in the last 2 weeks?

  • Not at all

  • Slightly

  • Moderately

  • Severely

  • Extremely

12. Thinking about your joint or muscle symptoms, how well do you feel you understand your condition and any current treatment?

(Including your diagnosis and medication.)

  • Completely

  • Very well

  • Moderately

  • Slightly

  • Not at all

13. How confident have you felt in being able to manage your joint or muscle symptoms by yourself in the last 2 weeks (e.g. medication, changing lifestyle)?

  • Extremely

  • Very

  • Moderately

  • Slightly

  • Not at all

14. How much have your joint or muscle symptoms bothered you overall in the last 2 weeks?

  • Not at all

  • Slightly

  • Moderately

  • Very much

  • Extremely

15. In the past week, on how many days have you done a total of 30 minutes or more of physical activity, which was enough to raise your heart rate?

(This may include sport, exercise and brisk walking or cycling for recreation or to get to and from places, but should not include housework or physical activity that is part of your job.)

  • None

  • 1 day

  • 2 days

  • 3 days

  • 4 days

  • 5 days

  • 6 days

  • 7 days

The patient will be displayed a summary of their answers to review and then submit.

Summary of patient responses

The patient will be thanked for submitting their answers, given advice and displayed the option to return to the conversation. ๐Ÿ‘‡

Submission page


The patient's response will enter the Versus Arthritis Musculoskeletal Health Questionnaire team within the inbox.

Each patient response is displayed alongside the summarised question, with the corresponding score next to it in brackets.

The total score is found at the bottom of the page, where it can be compared against the reference guide provided.

If you have any other questions at all, please chat with our support team by clicking the green message icon in the bottom right ๐Ÿ‘‰

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