How do I install for all users in my organisation?

Installing Accurx Desktop for all your colleagues

Lorna avatar
Written by Lorna
Updated yesterday

If your team uses EMIS and you want to install for all users, please follow the guide on our website here!

If you use SystmOne and you want to install for all users, you'll just need to:
1. Download and run the Accurx install file on each user's PC
2. Once the Accurx Desktop toolbar has been downloaded, each user can then create their own account from the toolbar and log in!

If you use Vision, please contact Cegedim. Get in touch with the Support Team if you have any questions.

Tip: For both EMIS and SytmOne, you'll need to run the install file once on each PC. To help with this, save the install file on the shared drive to help make it easily accessible on each PC! 😊

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