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Questionnaire: Questions in the COVID-19 remote monitoring questionnaire
Questionnaire: Questions in the COVID-19 remote monitoring questionnaire

This article details what questions are asked in the coronavirus remote monitoring survey, and what you can save to the record.

Moreen avatar
Written by Moreen
Updated over 8 months ago

Given the increase of COVID-19 cases in the UK, we've built a tool that helps organisations remote monitor patients who have been discharged from the hospital with COVID-19 or are self-isolating at home.

πŸ’¬ Enrolment SMS:

Once the patient has accessed the link, they will be prompted to enter their date of birth in order to access the questionnaire πŸ“†


1. How do you feel today compared to yesterday

  • Better

  • Same

  • Worse

2. Do you feel more breathless today?

  • I don't feel breathless

  • No

  • Yes

(only show if answered Yes to 'Do you feel more breathless today?')

3. Can you complete a full sentence without having to take a breath?

  • Yes

  • No

4. If you have any new symptoms, please enter these below

  • Free text

5. Please select if you have any of the following equipment at home:

(If you have none of these, leave blank and continue)

  • Thermometer

  • Blood pressure monitor

  • Fingertip oxygen monitor

(only show if selected Thermometer in question 5)

6. Please enter your temperature (Β°C)

  • Number box

(only show if selected Blood pressure monitor in question 5)

7. Please enter your systolic blood pressure reading (the higher reading)

  • Number box

(only show if selected Blood pressure monitor in question 5)

8. Please enter your diastolic blood pressure reading (the lower reading)

  • Number box

(only show if selected Fingertip oxygen monitor in question 5)

9. Please enter your oxygen saturation reading (SpO2%)

  • Number box

(only show if selected Fingertip oxygen monitor in question 5)

10. Please enter your pulse reading (beats per minute)

  • Number box

When they have submitted their answers they will be thanked for completing the survey and sent a confirmation SMS πŸ‘‡

Response in the Accurx Desktop toolbar: COVID-19 Monitoring Team πŸ‘‡

Please then select the save to record button if you wish for these results to be saved to the patient's medical record πŸ“š

SNOMED codes saved to the record

The codes added are in bold and italics

Blood pressure recorded by the patient at home (Concept ID: 413153004)

Self reported systolic blood pressure (Concept ID: 1162737008 / CTV3 2469)

Self reported diastolic blood pressure (Concept ID: 1162735000 / CTV3 246A)

Tympanic temperature (Concept ID: 415974002)

Baseline SPO2 (oxygen saturation at periphery (Concept ID: 927981000000106)

Pulse rate (Concept ID: 78564009)

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