This article details what SNOMED codes are added, according to the patient's responses. Codes added to the record are in italics, and qualify for the standard QOF COPD - MRC question scores.
Enrolment SMS: "Hi/Dear Name,
I'd like you to complete some questions about your health. Please follow this link (link will be autogenerated here). You need internet on your phone (otherwise use a computer or contact reception).
Thanks, Sender Name"
SNOMED codes added on sending:
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease monitoring short message service text message invitation - 1066281000000104
Question 1: What is your date of birth? (this is used for patient authentication)
Day Month Year
Question 2: Do you have COPD?
Yes - History of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease - 270473001
No (questionnaire ends)
Question 3: Which of the following best describes your breathing?
Helper text: Used with permission of the Medical Research Council
I only get breathless with strenuous exercise. - Medical Research Council Breathlessness Scale grade 1 - 391120009
I get short of breath when hurrying, or walking up a slight hill. - Medical Research Council Breathlessness Scale grade 2 - 391123006
I walk slower than people the same age on level ground or have to stop for breath when walking at my own pace. - Medical Research Council Breathlessness Scale: grade 3 - 391124000
I get short of breath after walking 100 yards or after a few minutes on level ground. - Medical Research Council Breathlessness Scale grade 4 - 391125004
I'm too breathless to leave the house or breathless when dressing or undressing. - Medical Research Council Breathlessness Scale grade 5 - 391126003
Question 4: Are you interested in Pulmonary Rehab? (if answered 3 or above on previous question)
The Pulmonary Rehabilitation (PR) service is for people who are having difficulty managing symptoms with COPD. Problems such as cough, shortness of breath and repeated chest infections can be managed with a combination of education and exercise. Patients are either seen in a group or on an individual basis (one to one) if more appropriate.
Question 5: Please enter your weight in kilograms
- 27113001 (weight)
Question 6: What is your smoking status?
Current smoker - 77176002
Ex-smoker - 8517006
Never smoked - 266919005
Question 7: How much do you smoke? (If selected "current smoker" only)
<1 cigarettes or gram/day or equivalent - 266920004
1-9 cigarettes or grams/day or equivalent - 160603005
10-19 cigarettes or grams/day or equivalent - 160604004
20-30 cigarettes or grams/day or equivalent - 160605003
40+ cigarettes or grams/day or equivalent - 160606002
After pressing "Submit":
Thank you for completing this questionnaire. Your practice will review this information in the next 28 days and be in touch if further action is required. If you are concerned or worried about your symptoms, please contact reception to speak to a clinician.
(If selected "current smoker" only) Smoking leads to health problems such as cancer, heart disease, and strokes. The benefits of stopping smoking include: better health, more money, and cleaner air for those around you!
Do you want to stop smoking? Here is some advice on ways to quit smoking, local services and general tips: - (also add Smoking cessation advice - 225323000)