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Questionnaires: Infected Insect Bites (Pharmacy First)
Questionnaires: Infected Insect Bites (Pharmacy First)

Showing the end-to-end flow of the Infected Insect Bites Questionnaire using screenshots

Moreen avatar
Written by Moreen
Updated over a week ago

What does this Questionnaire do?

Pharmacies can offer advice and treatment for urinary tract infections (in women), new sinus problems, sore throats, ear infections, infected insect bites, impetigo and shingles, without a GP appointment or prescription.

The questionnaire link is sent via SMS or email. The patient fills in the questionnaire through a browser so they can use their phone, tablet, laptop or desktop to complete it.

The responses are returned to the user or organisation via the Accurx Web inbox. They can also be assigned to other colleagues.

What does it look like for the clinician and patient?

Clinician view of sending a Questionnaire πŸ‘‡

They can edit the SMS message if required

Patient perspective of viewing and completing the Infected Insect Bite questionnaire πŸ‘‡


1. How long have you had your insect bite?

  • Less than 2 days

  • More than 2 days

2. Where on your body were you bitten?

  • Enter text

3. If you know what type of insect bit you, please let us know.

(For example, mosquito or tick)

  • Enter text

4. Which country were you in when you got your insect bite?

  • Enter text

5. Is your insect bite itchy?

  • Yes

  • No

6. Do you have any of the following symptoms in the area around the insect bite?

(Choose all that apply (you can select none))

  • Redness

  • Pain or tenderness

  • Swelling

  • Warm or hot skin around the site of the bite

7. Do you have any of the following symptoms?

(Choose all that apply (you can select none))

  • Pus or discharge near the bite

  • Spreading redness or swelling around the bite

8. Do you have any of the following symptoms?

(Choose all that apply (you can select none))

  • Feeling generally unwell

  • Severe pain

  • Widespread rash on your body

  • Difficulty breathing or wheezing

9. Have you ever had a serious reaction to an insect bite or sting?

(A serious reaction may include difficulty breathing or swelling of the lips, mouth, throat or tongue)

  • Yes

  • No

  • I'm not sure

10. Do you have a condition or use any medications that cause a weakened immune system?

(For example, receiving chemotherapy, long-term steroid treatment, or have an underlying condition such as leukaemia or HIV)

  • Yes

  • No

11. Do you have any allergies?

  • Yes

  • No

12. Are you able to take a clear photo of your insect bite?

(If you are able to, we may contact you with a link to upload this later)

  • Yes

  • No

  • I'm not sure

13. Please tell us the best times to contact you

(We can’t guarantee a time and will only contact you during opening hours)

  • Enter text

When they have submitted their answers, they will be thanked for completing the questionnaire, sent a confirmation SMS and be given some safety netting information πŸ‘‡

Clinician view of the Infected Insect Bite Questionnaire response

The screenshot below shows the inbox view showing an infected insect bite questionnaire response for a patient πŸ‘‡

Users can assign the response to a different team by clicking on the assign section πŸ‘‡

Users can download a PDF version of the questionnaire response, which they can use to save responses to their paper or electronic medical records. πŸ‘‡

If you still have any questions or concerns, feel free to chat with us using the green message bubble in the bottom right-hand corner of this page. πŸ‘‰

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